Saturday, January 23, 2010

he's so mushy, and its one of the reasons why I married him..

Here is how I feel:
I never believed in love or marriage, because I never thought I would meet you. You continue to surprise me and get me to fall more madly in love with you then the moment previous. You are changing my views on what life means. Rewriting the very definition of love. I never want to feel anyway different then I feel right now at this moment in my life, that scared anxiousness the burning flame of something new. I want to live this dream with you for the rest of my life. Yes I would be sad if you went to Florida instead of here with me. But, that's your choice, and whatever you decide I will stand behind my woman, my WIFE 100%. I know what love is, it's the feeling of your soft grasp around my heart holding it forever tight. I want to bring you to the moon and show you the stars, lay under the night-lit sky while holding each other in our arms. I want my heart to pump the very blood of life through your body. I do not, can not live without you. We might not live the best life, but life with you would be worth every second of what we put into it. I don't want to wait for you to come back from Florida, I want you to marry me, love me, sleep with me, serve me, and just hang out with me as soon as possible. If dreams were reality, ours would be the stuff that movies are made from. I've always wanted to live moments I've seen in movies, or heard in songs, or read in books, and with you, we can. Love isn't a feeling of anything, it's whatever you make it to be, and for me it's the fact of knowing I can be myself, totally, with you. It's that first sip of wine, the soft stinging fruitful taste. I want to bring another life in this world, with no one but you. You will help me fix everything that is broken in me from the past.

Lets always be that couple, like little kids, who hold hands and run through the park just to see the bugs fly.
Who will fall down on a blanket and just watch the clouds move through the sky.
Guessing, or imagining what shapes, or animals the white clouds make.
Kissing and hugging, growing old together, no matter what path life might take.
Lets watch the wind dance through the grass.
Play connect the dots with the little ants.
After the sun goes down on our bright sunny day.
You fall asleep in my arms and there we sleep and lay.

I love you baby:)

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